Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 2: Early Evening

Hola chicos y chicas! Yo estoy alegre ahora que yo soy aqui hacer blogging!

That was me using my Spanish 2 education to string together a sentence! Translation: Hello boys and girls! I am happy now that I am here blogging! My apologies to anyone who knows Spanish grammar and is offended by my laxidasical use of the language.

Anywho, today has continued to be a fabulous day in paradise. After breakfast, seeing Chris O' Donnell, and blogging in a hammock, I did not think it could get any better. Actually, that is a lie, because anything and everything is possible in California, that is the first lesson I have learned here. The second one is that no matter who you are, what you like to do, etc. there is a place for you in California. Amazing! I have learned so much being here less than 24 hours. Oh, and I've learned that blogging is awesome, but that's just my opinion. I am currently on the hammock again catching up on television shows from series that I have missed..and of course blogging.

But now to the pictures! Just to give you an idea of where I am spending my time...

Yup! My out of this world vacation is being spent in the best place in the world, my uncle's house! I could go on and on about how perfect this place is, but I will assume you know by the excitement and perfection I have exhibited and described in my previous posts! Like I said..I'm in love with California.

And here is me, doing what I do best in the absolute ideal place to do it! And where I've been spending my down time (:

And last but not least, here is my uncle's adorable, lovable dog Shayna Boo! She has become a close friend of mine these last 18 hours as our schedules overlap and we spend our down time together! Isn't she the cutest? She's my security guard while I'm blogging outside.

Now I am off to the park to take Shayna to play! I have sooooo much more to blog about tonight, I'M SO EXCITED!


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