Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 2: Afternoon (11:30 AM west coast time)

After having an amazing breakfast with my uncle and going to Glenson's (aka California Wegman's), I am now in the hammock in my uncle's backyard blogging wirelessly. Tell me that isn't awesome. I am loving California more and more with every minute I spend here. Uncle Rob and I are both right now on break so I can blog and he can get some work done. And what better place to blog than outside on a hammock right?! Right.

So now that I've already had a satisfying breakfast, found a Wegman's, AND had my first star sighting all within a matter of hours on my first full day...I think it's safe to say there is no better phrase to describe California than UNBELIEVABLY SPECTACULAR. And that is an understatement. I cannot wait to see what the rest of my day has in store.

P.S. When in California, self pics are a must.


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